10/11/2009 15:25

 (updated 11/2/09)

Contains information about Rogeriee Thompson, President Obama's recent nominee to the First Circuit Court of Appeals

Wade Demers was framed--he never committed a crime.  How did this come about, and why? Well, to try to make it as succinct as possible, because Pastor Demers was involved in exposing corruption of high level officials who had committed some heinous crimes, he became a target for those who wished to continue in their corrupt, illegal and unethical misdeeds, crimes which were hurting children. He did whatever he could to help expose what was being done to hurt these children. Pursuing every possible legal avenue he could, Pastor Demers persisted in trying to get help for them.

The people who framed Wade Demers include the now convicted felon and former Rhode Island Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Fay, (political pawn of the now deposed Matty Smith), ROGERIEE THOMPSON (who was a lawyer at the time and is now a judge but shouldn't be, and has been nominated as of October 2009 by President Obama to the First Circuit US Court of Appeals), and Nick Colangelo (a lawyer), who had conspired together to milk an uncontested divorce for all it was worth, and thus committed crime after crime to the extreme detriment of the children involved. Collateral damage resulting from the crimes committed by Fay, Thompson, Colangelo, and others, include, but are not limited to, a suicide of a young boy and the murder of a woman.  These people framed Wade Demers to keep him from exposing their crimes--all he wanted was help for the children.  (For more details, see also: https://justicespeaker.blogspot.com/2008/07/wade-demers-saved-his-daughter.html, https://armofjustice.webnode.com/news/the-sheldon-whitehouse-connection/ , and THEY HURT THE MAN, AND THE CHILDREN GOT HURT - Letter from person who was a victim as a child in Rhode Island.)

There is much hard documentation that will prove these things are true.  EVERYTHING on the so-called ‘criminal record’ of Wade Demers that can be pulled up on the internet (and in other places) is FALSE.  (This is a common technique used against whistleblowers--starting with slander to discredit them, and using many other techniques to "shut them up," including threats, false charges/false arrest, and false jailings.)

One documented unbiased piece of evidence in this case is a document prepared by Sheldon Whitehouse, now a U.S. Senator, who was then policy chief to Governor Bruce Sundlun.  FYI, this document is on the Governor’s stationery and hand-signed by (then) Governor Sundlun.  In this document, which focuses on the one felony conviction the “framers” were able to obtain through their falsehoods, Sheldon Whitehouse delineates the facts which make it clear that Wade Demers is innocent. (To read this document, see THE SHELDON (WHITEHOUSE) CONNECTION.)

Also, you may be wondering how they were able to convict Pastor Demers...well, the jury was tampered with, his witnesses weren't allowed to testify (including a police officer whose report indicated that there was no offense committed by Pastor Demers on the day in question), and Rogeriee Thompson committed perjury on the witness stand in order to obtain this false conviction against Wade Demers.

Rogeriee Thompson had accused Pastor Demers of "threatening" her...Sheldon Whitehouse's report makes it clear that the so-called "threat" was that Pastor Demers said he would go to the press to reveal what she was doing to harm the children.   This was all an attempt by Pastor Demers only to get her to do her job in protecting the children over whom she had been appointed guardian ad litem by the courts, after repeatedly trying to inform her in every way he could.  She wasn't doing her job, was turning a deaf ear, and the children were being hurt. 

Because of her religious prejudice against Pastor Demers, she wasn't listening to him when he was repeatedly trying to tell her that those children were getting in extreme trouble.  His hands were tied as far as physically helping those children himself, because of some illegal and unethical things that had been done against him in the courts.  Rogeriee Thompson actually accused him of obstructing her in the discharge of her duties, when in reality the opposite was true; he was trying to help her to do her job by informing her that those children were getting in trouble and that she should look into it as guardian ad litem.

Wade Demers was in the news quite a bit back in the 80's and early 90's in Rhode Island.  He was a Rhode Island native, very successful in business and his other endeavors, who was then called by God to be a pastor.  (This is a story in and of itself—his calling and transition from self-made wealth to giving it all up to preach God’s word.  That story will have to be told another time.)

Unfortunately, to this day people falsely believe that he is a criminal.  It is severely affecting his ministry, the children who were being hurt at the time are now damaged and hurting, and the slander and lies that are still uncorrected are hurting them and others to this day. Pastor Demers was slandered horribly in the Providence (RI) Journal and, though these slanderous reports have faded into yesterday's news, the slander and lies still stand in many people's minds and remain on the internet to this day.  And let us not forget that a woman is dead from murder and a young boy is dead from suicide, because the people who should have listened to Wade Demers did not, and instead he was slandered, falsely accused, falsely convicted, and falsely jailed. How would YOU feel if that had been done to you just for trying to get help for your children and others' children?

One of the things which should be done in this case is that someone from the Providence Journal should sit down with Pastor Demers and go through the files to see just where and how he has been slandered and portrayed improperly, and fix it!  For example, there are the recorded details of false arrests, and evidence to the contrary, and the innocence of Pastor Demers can be proved, so that Pastor Demers and his ministry can be free to do their work unhindered by the bigotry, bias and hatred which have gone unchecked and are actually fueled by the slander and lies on the internet. Maybe then things could turn around for the better.

(For further details concerning WADE DEMERS WAS FRAMED, Rogeriee Thompson's crimes, and more, see

https://justicespeaker.blogspot.com/2008/07/wade-demers-saved-his-daughter.html, THE SHELDON (WHITEHOUSE) CONNECTION, and THEY HURT THE MAN, AND THE CHILDREN GOT HURT - Letter from person who was a victim as a child in Rhode Island.)

(Also see https://www.projo.com/news/courts/content/THOMPSON_RANKING_10-25-09_8AG49PS_v29.3464886.html )


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