May 29, 2009


(Note from Berachot:  For those of you who are addressed in the questions, feel free to send your answers either directly to Pastor Demers at his home address in Meridian, Mississippi, or to me, Berachot Levine, via email at, and we here at The Arm of Justice will be glad to publish them. 

But, be warned:  if there are fabrications, we will show the proof of your fabrication.  We know a lot more about what you have all done than you realize.) 

 From Pastor Demers (Pastor of Christ's Church in Action, Meridian, Mississippi):

As the overseer of the church that is the target of these hate crimes and as one of the primary victims, and as the father of children that were hurt, and as the trustee for the property that was destroyed, and because of the continuing harassments, threats, slander, and deprivation of civil rights, in prudence I am asking these questions:

 To John Harris (Meridian, Mississippi City Councilman)*

            1. John, why didn’t you take time to listen to me concerning Acts 3:19-21, Revelation 19:6b-8, Isaiah 56:10-11, Hosea 4:6, and the restoration of all things? 

            2. Why did you get "sucked in" to being a puppet for John Robert Smith and supporting him in his slander and trying to make us leave the city?

            3. Can’t you see that bad company corrupts good morals?  (1 Corinthians 15:33)        

            You’ve become one of THEM… 

            It may not be too late to repent.

             Call me…let’s talk. 

            (By the way, you made these comments at the Meridian City Council meeting on April 21, 2009:  “We’ve listened and we’ve listened for 3 years now… when’s it going to stop?”  The answer was given to you by Lucinda Johnson:  “(It will stop) when you look at the evidence.  You haven’t looked at any evidence!”)


To Ken Storms (Chief Administrative Officer, Meridian, Mississippi):

            1. Ken…Captain…what happened to integrity?

             2. Ken…are not human lives and property more important than potholes? 

            C’mon, Captain, your boss has got you so bound in his web, you’ve been covering up hate crimes and other Title 18 and civil rights violations, and participating in his slander and distortion of the truth. 

            Talk to Betsy—level with her…I’m sure she’ll stand by you if you come clean. 

            3. By the way, who came up with the straw man?[1]  You or John Robert?  Or who else?


To Jesse Palmer (Meridian, Mississippi City Councilman):

            Regarding your statements,   “You were supposed to pack your bags and run after (they burned your house),” and “don’t you know what they did to Martin Luther King when they couldn’t stop him?  They had him killed,” and “If I was mad at you, I’d tell you to your face and hit you with a 2 by 4—not these people; these people are sneaky.  They’ll go behind the scenes, and there is no limit to their capability.”  

            So, Jesse, let me ask: 

1.     Did you come up with that out of the air…I mean, were you lying to scare us? OR

2.     Did others put you up to it? OR

3.     Were you telling the truth from personal knowledge? 

I mean, telling a person that someone is going to have them killed is a serious statement—come clean, which of the three is it? 


To John Robert Smith (Mayor of Meridian, Mississippi):

1.     Mayor, why did you believe all those pastors and their vitriolic lies?  (Ken Storms said to me, a number of years ago, things like, "Why are so many pastors in the city going in to talk to the mayor and saying bad things about you?  I hear them through the door." And Ken Storms even mentioned one of the names:  Earl Wheatley, who is a pastor who threatened my wife and me in front of our children.)  (EDITOR'S NOTE--READERS, SEE: BERACHOT'S ANALYSIS)

2.    Why did you lie to Patti and me regarding your telling us you would get to the bottom of the fact that no investigation of the arson against our church had been done?

3.     Why did you act so crazy and wild when we and Dr. Spahn visited you subsequently?

4.     Why did you believe Pastor Sykes, Earl Wheatley and the others, and assume that what I teach is not scriptural and what they teach is, since they don’t agree with each other?

5.     Why have you refused to sit down with me to resolve this question?

6.     Why have you not directed anyone to answer the letter to the City of Meridian sent by Berachot Levine in June of 2008?

7.     Do you always try to crush those who disagree with your religious beliefs by having their property destroyed (and/or their life), and using slander and harassment?


To Meridian, Mississippi Police Chief  Benny Dubose

            1. So, what’s it like to be a puppet of the white power structure and deny people equal protection under the law who are targets of your boss’s bias and wrath? 

            Please believe there are many in this city that would stand with you if you were to do the right thing. 

            You really should see the movie “Serpico,” as well as “And Justice for All.”  (And if you already have, see them again.) 

It’s time for Benny Dubose to cry out like Al Pacino at the end of the movie, “And Justice for All,”:  “HE’S GUILTY!”  And to say, “I WON’T BE HIS PATSY ANY MORE!” 

Let justice come forth…Benny Dubose is a man and is ready to act like one.  Go for it, Benny…Meridian is ready for a hero. 

2.     Do you really think that anybody in Meridian (or anywhere, for that matter) should be above the law?  I’m sure everybody in Meridian appreciates you going after the speeders, the drunks, and handling the domestic situations.  Don’t you think that more attention should be given to the serious crime and not just the minorities?  You need to go after the “uptown” crew! 

It doesn’t seem that just because somebody is in government or closely connected to the administration that they should be above the law. 

3.     Why haven’t you allowed us to file any criminal complaints when there have been so many crimes committed against us?


To Pastor David Price and Jim Wall (of Central United Methodist Church in Meridian, Mississippi):

1.     Why has Central United Methodist Church (CUMC) not apologized to my wife and me for the heinous happenings of September 5, 2007*?

2.     David, why, from your arrival to the present, have you been so rude to my wife and me?  This rude behavior of yours started when you approached Patti and me at a Lenten Service in early 2008, and immediately started speaking nastily to us, and we didn’t even know you.  You later related to me that you “knew all about me” from a referral given to you by Steve McDonald (after his diatribe against me and before his removal from CUMC’s pulpit due to his internet pornography addiction).

3.     Why did you specifically intercede in the CUMC women’s luncheon group (open to the public), “Ladies at Lunch with the Lord” (LLL), to eliminate my wife Patti from speaking on the program, when anybody is supposedly welcome to share?  She was on the program, approved by the originators of LLL who run the luncheon (Nicole Ward and Julia Green), and she had attended previous LLL meetings.  Your discriminatory and rude behavior seems uncharacteristic of one in your position.  Patti was quite insulted and hurt by this.

4.     Do you have some kind of religious bigotry or bias against us?

5.     Do you even know what I teach and believe?

6.     If you actually believe I am involved in any error relative to God’s word, could you please sit down with us and show us in the Bible? (Of course I welcome this input from any sincere person.)


To Crystal Dupre (Publisher of The Meridian Star newspaper, Meridian, Mississippi)

1.     What is your motivation for saying, on two separate occasions to three people, “You’ll never get the truth out in MY newspaper”?

2.     Were you put up to it, or was it your own idea?

3.     Why did you participate in the slander, both in your newspaper and in the comment you made to one of your employees, telling her to have her son (a young man around 26 years old, whom we were ministering to, along with two of his friends, a male and a female) "keep away" from me and my wife?

4.     Why will you not allow anyone from Christ’s Church in Action to put ads in The Meridian Star?

5.     Why have you directed all of your staff not to talk to us?

6.     Why is Jennifer Jacob Brown bad-mouthing us to people, including business owners in the town?

7.     Why is Steve Gillespie using four letter words in a drunken stupor against us in public places?

8.     Why did you allow the terrible vile things said about Patti and me on your forum, and then when someone defended us with the truth and actual documents, delete the truth?

9.     Prior to your “edict” (banning us from even placing ads in the paper), all of your staff was always friendly, cordial, professional, and had a “Y’all come back” attitude…after the edict, they were horrible, rude, and weird.  Why?

10.  And, with Mr. Lofton (who happens to be a black gentleman in his 50’s), and the others who had tickets that Mr. Lofton had acquired, why did you have them all removed by the police (effecting it in part by lying to the police) and say they couldn’t come in to “Sample the South”?  To my understanding, Mr. Lofton’s only “crime” is that he attends (though he is not a member) Bible studies and church where I teach.

11.  Regarding #10 above, were you not aware of the civil rights laws which outlaw discrimination because of religious beliefs?


And to Meridian, Mississippi's Mayor, CAO Ken Storms, the Meridian City Council, and the Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors:

            Regarding the situation with Mr. Lofton, why are you all not concerned about any of this, since Mr. Lofton has made you aware of it openly (on numbers of occasions) at City Council meetings, Board of Supervisors meetings, and in other circumstances, including a private meeting with you in your office, Mr. Storms?  Yes, where are you all on this?  YOUR SILENCE IS DEAFENING.  THE SMELL OF MISSISSIPPI BURNING IS NOT AND HAS NOT BEEN PLEASANT.  In the past, color of skin brought these antics out…now it appears that it is religious beliefs…




To John Johnson (WTOK TV News Director and Anchor, Meridian, Mississippi):

1.     Brother…this is news—aren’t you the News Director?

2.     Why have you repeatedly refused to look at any evidence?

3.     Why has Tim Walker, General Manager of WTOK, issued the memo saying that no one from WTOK can talk to any of us (the victims)?

4.     Why do all of the members of the WTOK staff act so rudely?

5.     Why did you use your news program to help the late Mr. McBride begin the fraudulent accusation against CCIA (saying that our building at 518 41st Avenue—the one that was burned by arson—was not exempt from ad valorem taxes)?  You never even talked to us before airing your clip and telling his lies.** By the way, Wade Phillips subsequently apologized to me, saying that your station should have talked to us first.  (This was before the edict from Walker.)

6.     Are you acting (or failing to act) on your own, or at the direction of others? 

I can’t believe it is incompetence, but I shudder to realize that this only leaves prejudice, bias, or some other foul play.


To the Meridian, Mississippi City Council:

Can you explain why you would choose not to look at serious allegations of crime made by citizens who come to you in your official capacities in light of the law?

MS Code SEC. 21-8-13. General powers and duties of council

(4) The council, in addition to such other powers and duties as may be conferred upon it by this chapter or otherwise by general law, may require any municipal officer, in its discretion, to prepare and submit sworn statements regarding his official duties, and otherwise to investigate the conduct of any department, office or agency of the municipal government.

            § 21-8-27. Control of mayor and his subordinates by council.

…The council shall have the power to investigate any part of the municipal government and for that purpose to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and other evidence.


To Richard Coleman (former President, Meridian, Mississippi Chapter, NAACP):

1.     What is with you not helping me and my wife, when Sam Thompson was instrumental in having my wife and me banned from NAACP meetings?

2.     Don’t you remember that lawyer from New Orleans who came to speak at one of the meetings, saying to you (regarding us) “You need to hold on to these people, they’re good for the movement?”

3.     People have their rights denied, and then you tell these people they can’t speak at your meetings?

4.     Why did you personally gag me at the last meeting we attended?

5.     Why were you so rude to me and my wife?

6.     Why have you done absolutely nothing to help Mr. Lofton, who happens to be a fellow black man who has had his rights denied, even though you have had multiple opportunities to do so, both in your capacity as NAACP president, and as a private citizen?

To Rev. Milton Johnson, new President, Meridian, Mississippi Chapter, NAACP:

             Why did you treat us all with rudeness and disdain, including Mr. Lofton, when approached to help  him in his situation?         




** (Readers, see POLICE FRAUD & DECEPTION, PART I: Details of Methodology of Mayor-directed, Police Chief-effected, Council-allowed Cover up Revealed!POLICE FRAUD & DECEPTION , PART 2 and Document regarding Mr. McBride.doc (27,5 kB)

*EDITOR'S NOTE: (6/10/09) John Harris was defeated in his bid for re-election to the Meridian, Mississippi City Council...he was also unsuccessful in his run for the District 82 House of Representatives seat vacated by the death of the esteemed Representative Charles Young, Sr.


EDITOR'S COMMENTS:  There will be more questions and comments coming from Pastor Demers over time.

There are many more people to ask questions of:  Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, FBI Agent Morrow, Governor Haley Barbour, and more, just to name a few…and be confident that there is documentation behind every question.



[1] The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position.



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