Dean Harper (a captain in the Meridian, Mississippi Police Department) has made various statements throughout the time of the contacts between him and the victims of the arson and other hate crimes:
“I’ve been ordered not to investigate.”
“I can’t do (such and such) because the chief won’t let me.”
“I only do what the chief tells me.”
Lucinda Johnson asked Captain Harper (on June 8, 2009) if he had contacted Vince Vincent and Tim Miller (the two former Meridian, Mississippi Fire Officials who know the truth about CCIA’s arson and how the police didn't investigate properly, who left the city employ due to the corruption, and who were threatened to keep their mouths shut).
Dean Harper said, “No.”
When Ms. Johnson asked him why not, he said, “I can’t do anything unless the chief tells me to.”
Due to the fact that Harper has been using that excuse a lot lately, Ms. Johnson said, “Do you have to ask the chief before you wipe your nose?” Captain Harper said, “That’s about the extent of it.”
When Ms. Johnson made the point that Captain Harper, as a good investigator, should take the initiative to ask the chief if he could contact those two key people, Captain Harper ignored her and kept saying, “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
Ms. Johnson said, “Will you ask the chief if you can have permission to talk to Vincent and Miller?”
Captain Harper said, “Is there anything else I can help you with?” He totally ignored her request, and kept repeating that same question until she gave up.
Can you believe this? This is the kind of “cop speak” they use on victims of crime. If this is what they do to people who have been around this kind of thing for awhile and know the tactics (See 25 DISGUSTING TACTICS USED BY CORRUPT GOVERNMENT UNKNOWN TO THE AVERAGE CITIZEN), can you imagine what they do to innocent victims who have never encountered this kind of thing and still think that cops have integrity and are the good guys?
"All that is required for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."
(As many as you are able)