Mr. Agnew (and anyone else who is familiar with the situations discussed on this website regarding the hate crimes against Christ’s Church In Action), knows about the media blackout in Meridian, Mississippi. This media blackout includes television, radio, and, perhaps most prominently, The Meridian Star, the local newspaper in Meridian.
Crystal Dupre, the publisher of The Meridian Star, has told the victims “You’ll never get the truth out in my newspaper.” She has also told her reporters that they are not allowed to talk to the victims, and no one from Christ’s Church In Action can even advertise in The Meridian Star.
This media blackout is, of course, designed to keep the public in the dark about the crimes, and to keep the truth from coming out in order to protect people like Mayor John Robert Smith and those in power who have assisted him in his crimes.
Someone outside of the corrupt/controlled Meridian, Mississippi media needs to get a hold of this story and act with the journalistic integrity required to write about it. Naturally, the victims have approached media sources outside of Meridian in order to try and get the story out which is being squashed under the iron boot of censorship by Adolf Crystal and the others. (See News "Regarding the Media Blackout")
Lucinda Johnson has been keeping Jerry Mitchell of the Clarion-Ledger informed, as well as his editor, Mr. Ronnie Agnew, for months.
Take a look at this gem of a quote from Ronnie Agnew in a recent email to Ms. Johnson. After giving her a standard, baloney “kiss-off” speech, he writes this sentence:
“I do plan to alert our friends at The Meridian Star, your hometown paper, about these serious allegations mentioned in your previous emails.”
We here at the Arm of Justice think that is really hysterical. The reason Ms. Johnson went to the Clarion-Ledger in the first place is because her “hometown paper” has no one with the journalistic guts to stand up and write the truth!
Mr. Agnew’s tactic is a form of Tactic #18 “passing the buck, or giving the victims the runaround.” (See 25 DISGUSTING TACTICS USED BY CORRUPT GOVERNMENT UNKNOWN TO THE AVERAGE CITIZEN.) But they have “kicked it up a notch”—they are re-routing the victims back to the very people who have acted horribly and corruptly in the first place.
For more details, and to see the complete text of Mr. Agnew’s email, see ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND WE GO...
"All that is required for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."
(As many as you are able)